1.1 Anatomy
A.K. Khurana - Comprehensive Ophthalmology, 2015, Chapter 1
- Coats
- Segments
- Vessels
- Nerves
- Fibrous coat
- cornea
- sclera
- limbus
- Vascular coat (uveal tissue)
- iris
- ciliary body
- choroid
- Nervous coat (retina)
- Anterior
- all anterior structures until iris and ciliary body
- anterior and posterior chambers
- pupil, lens
- Posterior
- vitreous humor
- retina
- choroid
- optic disc
- Ophthalmic artery
- Central retinal vein
- Anterior ciliary veins
- Short posterior ciliary veins
- Venae verticosae
Main venous channels:
- Sup, Inf, Mid, Medial ophthalmic veins
- Angular vein
- Cavernous sinus
Lymphatic drainage:
- Medial group of lymphatics drain into the submandibular lymph nodes, and
- Lateral group of lymphatics drain into the subauricular lymph nodes.
- CN II - Optic nerve
- Ophthalmic nerve (CN V - Trigeminal)
- Lacrimal nerve
- Frontal nerve:
- Supratrochlear n.
- Supraorbital n.
- Nasociliary nerve
- Long ciliary nn.
- Communicating branches to ciliary ganglion
- Posterior ethmoidal n.
- Anterior ethmoidal n.
- Infratrochlear n.
- Motor nerves:
- CN III, IV, VI - extraocular muscles
- CN VII - orbicularis oculi muscle
- Maintenance of clear ocular media
- Tears
- Cornea
- Crystalline lens
- Aqueous humour and intraocular pressure
- Vision
- Phototransduction
- Transmission of sensation
- Perception
- Light (light, dark adaptation)
- Color
- Form (visual acuity: resolution, etc)
- Contrast
- Ocular motility and binocular vision